It can be difficult to keep your lawn looking its best all year round but Devon and Cornwall Lawn Care are experts in keeping your lawn as healthy as it can be.
Our 4 season lawn care treatment plan can help you keep your lawn looking great all year round.

Cornwall & Devon Lawncare will survey your lawn and prepare a no contract, lawn treatment programme.
We recommend the basic 4 season treatment plan to ensure the control of weeds and encourage healthy grass growth, above ground and below.
Early Spring

Grass starts to grow vigorously and requires the correct amount and mix of nutrients to take advantage of these growing conditions for its continued development. Weak grass will allow weeds to take hold. Healthy grass will limit their development. Our spring lawn care treatments combines an application of a specialised fertiliser and a broad spectrum herbicide, which helps to control common weeds, such as clover, daisies, dandelions, etc
Early Summer

The grass needs encouragement to continue to grow thick and healthily. A balance of increased potassium and phosphorous combined with a nitrogen feed will afford the grass enough nourishment for the next 8-12 weeks. We apply a further broad spectrum systemic herbicide to control some of the more difficult weeds as well as the more common types.

We will always check your lawn for disease, but this time of year is when conditions are usually perfect for diseases to attack your lawn. A further application of herbicide and a fertiliser will encourage grass root development.

At this time of year one of the most important feed applications should be made, providing the lawn with the right amount of nutrients to prepare and encourage a healthy growth in spring.